Rich, Diverse Bounty of the Warwick Valley (6/1-6/8)

This week we had the chance to participate at a kick-off party at Penning’s Farm Market, part of a series of events under the banner of Warwick’s tourism initiative, which is being promoted by the Warwick Valley Chamber of Commerce and its new arm – Discover the Warwick Valley. It was a perfect evening weatherwise with a large turn-out, many of whom are part of Warwick’s business community and many of whom have contributed to support Warwick’s tourism campaign that is currently underway. 


At the event, there were giveaways, raffles, music and merchandise for sale in order to bring awareness and raise revenue for the continued promotion of Warwick as a destination. It was great to see so many familiar faces at this event. It’s about people coming and working together, sharing ideas and giving their support to critical causes that helps keep a community strong.

Keeping Warwick economically vibrant is at the heart of the initiative, a goal which the chamber pursues as part of its mission, which has become more important than ever in rapidly changing economies. Each business in a community serves as a critical link. When we begin to lose those links, like employees from a dismantled prison, or from technological shifts in society or corporate downsizing or a declining main st. – all of these components add up to weaken the general community.

Warwick is taking action to fill that vacuum through its leadership, business partnerships, community wide organizations, and active citizenry - who all play a significant role in creating a stronger Warwick. The rise of a tourism industry, with sustainable development at its core, is one path to economic development which Warwick has embraced thanks to the multi-faceted partnerships within the community at large.

20501231 1783It was fitting that the event be held at Pennings, a business which has proved to be one of the innovators and leaders in the community in terms of promoting local culture, values and business through their various enterprises. More than just an apple orchard, they have reinvented themselves, promoting both tourism and the local populace to participate and support their local culture.

It’s great to live in a place where we are not just part of a tourist culture, but one in which we can lose ourselves and the outside world somewhere in the vast expanse of what makes up the rich, diverse bounty of the Warwick Valley.

To see more pics of the event, click here to go to our Facebook page.